What is CTbee ?
CTbee is one of the element composing our commercial offer of shared parking technology. It is a piece of HW [...]
CTbee is one of the element composing our commercial offer of shared parking technology. It is a piece of HW [...]
If you are interrested in shared parking, get a CTbee. If you want to develop & learn in other areas, [...]
In CTbee V1, there was 2 USB port: 1 micro male & 1 micro female. To program CTbee V1 dongle before [...]
Yes, we distribute SDKs and web APIs to our partners for easy integration to their application.
No. In operation mode, a CTbee cannot be copied as it only acts as a transmitter. It receives orders from the Smartphone [...]
Absolutely not! Unless you send them, nobody can use your radio access codes. One can only program a CTbee Dongle with [...]
To lose a CTbee dongle is the same as to lose an original remote control. There is nothing we can do [...]
Yes. CTbee has builtin support of Firmware Over the Air. It will check for new firmware availability and update when needed. [...]
CTbee dongle is available in small quantities for testing, integration & evaluation. Check the Product Launch Timeline to know more.
If you are a private individual, there is no fee to operate your ComThings device for up to 4 gate or [...]